Basic Machine
Factory Nr.: 5221 bis 5224
VDM Nr.: 99 80 9414 001 – 4
Year of Construction: 2010
Manufacturer: Plasser & Theurer
Wastewater treatment plant
Factory Nr.: 5225
VDM Nr.: 99 80 9510 002 – 6
Year of Construction: 2010
Manufacturer: Plasser & Theurer
Water truck
Factory Nr.: 5558
VDM Nr.: 37 80 4961 099 – 1
Year of Construction: 2010
Manufacturer: Plasser & Theurer

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Technical Data
Basic Machine
Total mass: 427 t
Length: 114 980 mm
Height: 4 295 mm
Width: 3 250 m
Number of axles: 22
V-Max self drive: 20 km/h
Maximum travelling speed: 100 km/h
Line category: D2
Wastewater treatment plant
Total mass: 75 t
Length: 21 240 mm
Height: 4 200 mm
Width: 3 250 m
Number of axles: 4
V-Max self drive: 20 km/h
Maximum travelling speed: 100 km/h
Line category: D2
Water truck
Total mass: 108 t
Length: 29 590 mm
Height: 4 200 mm
Width: 3 250 m
Number of axles: 6
V-Max self drive: 20 km/h
Maximum travelling speed: 100 km/h
Line category: D2
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Special Features
Special Features
- Digital multi-channel recorder with recording parameters lateral inclination of the plane, removal depth, superelevation, torsion, camber and lowering of the cleaned track
- Twin-wire with pre-screener
- Impact mill for ready-to-use sharpening of the used old gravel
- Washing car with high-pressure washing rotors (160 bar)
- Water treatment plant for treatment of the washing water
- DGS module for compacting the ballast in the area of the sleeper support
- New ballast feed for optimal filling of the cleaned track with ballast to ensure subsequent working steps
- Maximal movement of the removal beam 300 mm
- Variable removal width from 3.80 m to 5.50 m
- Cleaning or full exavacation capacity up to 800 m³/h
- Capacity in washing operation up to 300 m³/h
- Automatic Warning System for Machine Warning (AWS)
- Reduction of expenditure for transport and resulting reduction of pollutant emissions to the unavoidable level. Only the fine fraction that cannot be reused is carried away.
- Improved quality of the ballast cleaning due to complete seperation of the fine fraction and resulting extension of the lay-days of the rails in the track.
- Construction track remains passable at any rate.
- A considerable cost reduction is achieved.